Geo Secure – Offers & info
Speeding – Know the risks
1 in 3 people killed or injured in crashes involving speed are not the driver of the vehicle.
Around half of all serious speeding crashes happen at less than 10km/h above the speed limit.
Just over 5km/h above the speed limit in urban areas (and 10km/h above in rural areas) is enough to double the risk of a casualty crash.
More than half (56%) of Queensland drivers admit to speeding on more than half of their road trips.
Speeding – Reduce the risks
The advanced GO device from GeoSecure can notify drivers through an optional audible alert when they approach or exceed posted road speed or user configured road speed limits.
Alerting drivers to speeding infringements before they take place significantly reduces the risk of an incident or speeding fine from occurring.
Speeding fines issued to organisations are 5 times the penalty value of an individual’s.
Did you know that a penalty issued to an organisational vehicle for exceeding the limit by less than 13 km/h is more than TWICE the cost of the GO advanced telematics device AND 12 months subscription fees.