10 digital marketing tips for small businesses

10 digital marketing tips for small businesses

Not sure where to start to improve your website or social media? Here are 10 quick and effective ways that you can jump start your digital marketing.


As a local or small business owner, taking advantage of digital marketing is key to success. The barriers of entry into the marketplace are minimised when compared to traditional forms of marketing. Learn how you can take advantage of the digital space with these top tips.

Here is a list of 10 digital marketing tips for small businesses:

1. Research Competitors and Differentiate Yourself
2. Get Your Website Basics Right
3. Improve Google My Business Listing and Customer Reviews
4. Create Interesting Offers and Info for your customers
5. Consider Google Ads for Your Small Business
6. Create Professional Visual Content
7. Improve Your Local SEO
8. Develop Email Marketing
9. Focus on a Primary Social Media Channel
10. Partner with Local Influencers



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