Aussie Quantum Healing Centre – Offers & info

Aussie Quantum Healing Centre – Offers & info

March Madness ๐Ÿ‡

Hop in to Easter for a 2 hour session for new and existing members starting from the 16th of March through to the 6th of April for only $90 for a 2 hour session through to the end of April, Coupon code MARCHMAD, if you are not a member by the 6th of April then it will be $120 for a 2 hour session till the end of April, Coupon code APRILBASIC. Overnight special. $440 if youโ€™re by yourself and if you have 2 to 3 people you will only pay $330 each for the overnight stay. A group of 4 or more people you will all only pay $250 each for the overnight stay. Please call the office for bookings on 0411 501 442 or 0411 335 006. Everybody get hopping and share, share, share bring your family, friends and anyone who can benefit. Take advantage of the madness opportunity as it is more than 50% off. No further discounts apply.

FROM $90

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